Sunday, May 15, 2011

ARTIST VIDEO: Burger Grease Art

This is a reproduction of a famous piece of art. Is this creative?


  1. Its really cool how he made the Mona Lisa with grease but very gross how every Big Mac has so much grease.

  2. Hey Ms Bomback I found this really cool stop motion video

  3. i thought this was amazing the first time i saw it!!

  4. Very creative. Hey, Ms Bomback, check out this stop motion video.

  5. This is amazing! It's art but it also has a meaning, it shows how greasy burgers are. Maybe fast food joints will change how greasy the burgers are because people are now aware.

  6. this is really cool, but it just prooves that burgers are unhealthy and full of grease. It's a very neat way to warn people about how much grease is in fast food

  7. I wonder where he got the idea to make a famous painting out of burger grease. Why do fast food restaurants put so much grease in their burgers? Especially when people say they dislike the grease. Maybe fast food restaurants will put less grease in their burgers when they find out how much grease really is in their burgers, and they figure that after seeing this video, people won't buy fast food burgers as much.

  8. the picture looks just like the original! so amazing how he got it just right

  9. @ Vaelen: I've seen that one's pretty cool. I am not sure I have it on the blog ?

    @Emma: Art sometimes makes people look at things in a different way...this one sure does!

  10. @borntogame: That is a good one. I have it on the blog!!

  11. This artist gives us an example that you can make art out of anything... even fast food. I wonder where the artist found inspiration to make the mona lisa out of grease.
    Elizabeth R.

  12. At first I was grossed out because he was painting with burger grease. Once he got to the end I looked and thought that it was amazing because he did all that with burger grease. And I found an amazing claymation on youtube it is called goodmorning elagence, check it out!

  13. This was amazing and discusting because he made one of the most popular panting eer and now its made out of burger grease and next there should be one with chalk.

  14. That was amazing and weird because how would he come up with that idea? at the end it looked awesome.

  15. ewwww... but cool......

  16. Where did he get this idea from!?

  17. That was very gross lucky that i don't eat that but that was very cool art how u can make Mona Lisa from grease
