Friday, October 28, 2011

MUSIC VIDEO: Coldplay - Strawberry Swing

Mr. McLeod thought we might like this stop motion video. Tell him what you thought of it!
Does it remind anyone of another stopmotion video we recently watched in class?


  1. this is really inspirational
    P.S. stupid chipmunks!

  2. I liked how when he had the flashlight, you could see the beam of light, and as he moved the flashlight, you could see the different objects in the suroundings.

  3. Be sure to tell Mr. McLeod what you thought of this video, Emma and Gabriel. Impress him with your art crtique skills!

  4. Wow! A lot of thought must have went into the making of this and some of the backgrounds are shown for only a few seconds but it took so much work to make the background! Cool how they make it look realistic by his body motions and the wind,etc! Really colourful and interesting to watch!

  5. It's amazing when you think about it all this was mostly made lying down one little gesture at a time.

  6. This is a very cool video. This animation must have taken lots of work to act out and animate it in the computer. I think that he is in the same spot but the background is changing, he's just acting it out.

  7. wow!!! this is an awesome video!! i love how it looks like a real scene, not just a road or pavemet!!
